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The official Mastodon app is doing something new which is potentially very dangerous to the existence of Mastodon and the Fediverse.

The official Mastodon app now prompts users to join by default, when previously it prompted them to pick a server. If you're new this may sound harmless, but let me explain.

The entire point of this place is to be a social network spread out on as many servers as possible (the reasons are here:


Fingerprint Software reshared this.

in reply to FediTips has moved!

The best thing you can do is DONT use the official app, and look at the alternative apps.
Sometimes these apps offer you even more features.

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

Why is software created using taxpayers’ money not released as Free Software? Code paid by the people should be available to the people!

Content warning: Free Software gives everybody the right to use, study, share and improve software. This right helps support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press

in reply to Danie

Content warning: Free Software gives everybody the right to use, study, share and improve software. This right helps support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

#imagepipe version 0.64 has just been released!

Removes #exif data and modifies images to reduce size before sharing.

Visit the project homepage at #codeberg :

The new version should be available at #fdroid soon:

Available at #fdroid only!

#floss #privacy

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

Police using cell phone tracking data in popular apps for 'mass surveillance on a budget'

Police have used “Fog Reveal” to search hundreds of billions of records from 250 million mobile devices, and harnessed the data to create location analyses

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

Microsoft's Github Copilot is disregarding Free Software licenses and will be happily selling parts of your GPL code against your will! Woo!

As the author of this article says - free software should be dependant on free software architecture - I recommend as an open-source alternative to Github.
Sadly Github is no longer a platform that can be trusted.

CC: @codeberg

#FOSS #Github #Copilot #Microsoft #GPL #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #Codeberg

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

in reply to unfa🇺🇦

It may be pointless as Gothic can grab our code anyways (why should they care where is it hosted, if they don't care how it's licensed?), but it sends a message to them: "your business will suffer if you keep doing this".
Will it do anything? Probably not. Do I care? No. I'll be using Codeberg and supporting them with my money rather than GitHub.
in reply to unfa🇺🇦

I agree. Also, by nature, open source software becomes better when there is a community around it.

There was a time when Linux gaming was nothing more than a pipe dream. It is now able to thrive because of what community-led projects like WINE, Lutris and quite a few others did to keep it alive.
in reply to Professor Code

I don’t wanna put down the power of community, however one of the main reasons why gaming on Linux is what it is now is because of Valve
in reply to unfa🇺🇦

Argh. "Gothic" was supposed to be "GitHub". Typing on a phone sucks 😛

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

Something a bit different today...

There's a really nice Fediverse admin on here called @stux who provides lots of free decentralised public services (public instances of Mastodon, PeerTube, Pixelfed, Matrix, Nitter, Invidious, Searx etc).

Stux is spending hundreds of euros a month so that these services remain free and operational.

Apparently Stux has had a tough time finding work recently, but has their own small business which provides web hosting.

If you're looking for a small indie hosting provider, this might be a really good choice as the money raised will help keep the Fedi going too:


(I'm sorry to embarass you Stux, but I think you deserve a shout-out for the good work you do!)

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

in reply to FediTips has moved!

Aside from, what are Stux’s other Fedi instances? Just curious! 😀

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

Alright, the overwhelming positive response has convinced me of my summer project: "tty1", a blog chronicling my journey toward using the terminal only for my computing experience.

It'll likely be mostly a series of articles showing my CLI replacements for different apps, with a *possible* finale where I go a week with only the distro I've customized over the course of the articles.

I'm gonna start by coding the site from the terminal; follow me to get updates. 😀

Boosts welcome! 😄

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Fingerprint Software reshared this.

When you're posting hashtags that contain multiple words, it's a good idea to capitalise the first letter of each word. This helps blind people who use screen reader software to know what the hashtag actually says.

For example # is much easier for screen reader users than #, even though they're technically the same tag.

This kind of capitalisation is usually known as "CamelCase". CamelCase doesn't just help blind people, it also makes hashtags clearer for sighted people too!

Using CamelCase won't affect your post's visibility (because searches ignore capitalisation) but it will improve the post's accessibility, so you'll get more people reading it.

Thank you to @martyn for raising this topic 👍

# # # # #

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in reply to suporte

I can't host translations myself but if someone wants to do a translated site I'd be happy to promote it.

The text is under Creative Commons By SA so anyone can use it on their own projects if they link back to me and use the same licence.

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

RSS fans!

You can follow any Mastodon account via RSS by just adding ".rss" to the end of the account's public profile URL.

To find a user's public profile URL, click on their profile image within Mastodon.

For example, if you click on FediTips' profile image you get this page in a new tab:

So, to follow FediTips through RSS, use this address:

This will only show that account's public posts. Other posts will not be visible on the RSS feed.

# # # #

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in reply to FediTips has moved!

Is it possible to have the opposite ? I'd like to follow rss feeds through mastodon. I've found this but since I don't know who they are I'm not using it for now
in reply to Nicolas

No, but you can do this in Friendica which is also part of the Fediverse.

You can follow RSS feeds in Friendica by just pasting the feed address into the search box and then clicking "Follow". Posts from the feed will start showing up in your Home timeline as if they were from a Fedi account, you can even share them.

By the way, Friendica accounts can follow Mastodon accounts, and Mastodon accounts can follow Friendica accounts.

More info at

This entry was edited (9 months ago)

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

A message to our new friends:

1. Don’t use your Twitter password for your # account. Reusing passwords is always a bad idea. A password manager is your friend here.

2. Set up your 2FA. You can do this from the browser or from within the official mobile app under Settings > Account Settings.


Fingerprint Software reshared this.

Hi! This is the official # account. Bookwyrm is a federated reading platform (think Goodreads). Post about your reading and stuff! You can interact with Mastodon users and vice versa. We are going to toot development news and more.
List of instances

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

If you're used to centralised networks like Facebook, you may be wondering why Mastodon and the Fediverse are spread across thousands of sites. Why not just have a single site where people sign up?

There are many important reasons, but maybe the most important is this:

Networks on single sites tend to be bought by bad people when they get popular 😠

It happened to Instagram (bought by Facebook), it happened to Whatsapp (bought by Facebook), it happened to YouTube (bought by Google). It can happen to ANYTHING built entirely around one site.

No matter how much you trust the people who run a site, when someone offers them billions of dollars they may just take the money.

Decentralised networks, where there is no central site, are much more resistant to buyouts.

No one owns the global email network, thousands of indie players like @Tutanota and @protonmail are able to offer alternatives, and if one provider behaves badly you can switch to a different provider.

# #

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

in reply to GadgetComa

@protonmail @Tutanota

Unfortunately yes it keeps happening 😱

But great that you have found what you need on here 😃

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

Not getting any coding done because GitHub is down? Why not take the opportunity to check out Codeberg (, Gitea ( or GitLab (


Fingerprint Software reshared this.

FreeCAD is a free open source 3D parametric modeller for tasks such as 3D printing, architecture, technical drawing etc. You can follow their official account at:

➡️ @FreeCAD

It's available for Linux, Mac and Windows from

# # # # # # # # # # # # #

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in reply to FediFollows has moved!

FreeCAD is good but somewhat quite large and kinda buggy on Mac.
I'd also recommend SolveSpace which is free and much smaller, however it seems to have smaller set of features.

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

Mastodon is part of the Fediverse, a collection of alternative social networks which talk to each other. People on the Fedi can interact even if they're on different kinds of networks.

One of the newest parts of the Fediverse is @owncast, a free open alternative to Twitch. It lets you create live video streams with a chat bar for viewers to interact with the streamer.

Because it's part of the Fediverse, Owncast streaming accounts can be followed from Mastodon. Every time a stream starts, a post will appear on followers' timelines in Mastodon.

You can find out more on the official Owncast website at, and there's a directory of Owncast streamers at

p.s. Are you a developer? Owncast are currently looking for help with development and design, see here for details:

# # # # #

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Fingerprint Software reshared this.

Social media is toxic ☣️

Twitter and Meta just assume you'll do nothing about it. But they're wrong. We all can do something about it🧵

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Fingerprint Software reshared this.

GNU poke, the free extensible editor for structured binary data

This talk is titled "GNU poke, the free extensible editor for structured binary data," and was presented at LibrePlanet 2022 by José Marchesi.

José is a GNU hacker and maintainer. He is currently employed by Oracle as the Tech Lead of their toolchain/compilers team.

This talk is about GNU poke, which is an interactive editor for binary data. Not limited to editing basic entities such as bits and bytes, it provides a full-fledged procedural, interactive programming language designed to describe data structures and to operate on them. José will discuss these features and more.

License note: This work is under a GFDL license. Please see for more information.

This entry was edited (2 years ago)

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

in reply to Free Software Foundation

I don't have a specific use case for this right now, but this is a really nice piece of software.

in reply to Chris Were Videos

In the beginning of the video you mentioned that you haven't been uploading because you concentrated on the Fediverse, Mastadon and Peertube. Am I missing something? I double checked your user here: and in the last two months I can see one video on "Fediverse exclusive videos". So am I following the wrong account?
This entry was edited (2 years ago)
in reply to Chris Were Videos

I love PeerTube because you can have a channel for everything that you want to discuss. Many people are multifacited, which is excellent, and the way PeerTube allows for multiple channels, people can subscribe to what they want to, and you get more organic views, not stupid comments. I want to restart my YouTube channel, though I hesitate to do so, because the majority of the comments are people calling me or my friends who feature in my videos sometimes stupid, making fun of my visual impairment and my hand tremors that cause my camera skills to look idiotic, but I don't find that sort of attitude around here on PeerTube.

Either way, I have tried Ubuntu, and I don't much care for it, but that is more because my first Linux experience was OpenSUSE, which looks like Windows back when Windows was cool.
This entry was edited (2 years ago)

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

The # Newsletter for March '22 is out!

Many thanks to all who contributed! Read about last month's activities in the XMPP community and the development of the specifications (#)!

Enjoy reading! 📰 ☕

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Fingerprint Software reshared this.

New here? Remember that Twitter is optimized to make you into passive consumers, by en(r/g)aging you with content that you don't choose yourself.

Here, that doesn't happen. But it also means you're responsible to find people to follow.

It will take some work.

If you're willing to put that in, you'll find a wide variety of friendly people that will be happy to have meaningful conversions and laugh and cry together with you.

Start by searching and looking at who other people follow.

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

Hello to all you brilliant new people on Mastodon and the Fediverse!

Welcome! 👋

If you're wondering how to get started on here, take a look at this guide for beginners:

If there's anything you want to know, if you have any questions, reply to this post or send me a message and I will try to find the answer 🤔 (And don't worry if you think it's a stupid question, there's no such thing!)

# # # # # #

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in reply to FediTips has moved!

is it possible to change your @/username without having to create a new account and migrating to it?
in reply to Pelayo

As far as I know, you can change your display name, but not the actual username (the bit after the @).

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

Some Fediverse alternatives to "big tech" social media:

Twitter ➡️ @Mastodon

Instagram ➡️ @pixelfed

YouTube ➡️ @peertube

Twitch ➡️ @owncast

Goodreads ➡️ @bookwyrm

Facebook Groups ➡️ @mobilizon

Medium ➡️ @writefreely

You don't need an account on all of these in order to interact with them.

Because they all use the ActivityPub open protocol, you can (for example) use a Mastodon account to follow someone on PixelFed or vice versa. That's why they are collectively known as the Fediverse, because they federate together at a technical level.

Also, this is an incomplete list, there are many other Fedi projects out there such as @funkwhale or @inventaire that are not direct alternatives but are their own thing.

# # # #

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

in reply to FediTips has moved!

Did Diaspora die off? Heard about it as a Facebook-ish fedi service, several years ago
in reply to patter

Content warning: Diaspora history, suicide mention

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

Hi there # 👋

Today a very simple question for y'all fine fedizens to ponder if you like:

"What is the Vision of the Fediverse?"

(Try to stick within the char limit)
in reply to smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

Social media done right:

* Loosely coupled communities, each enforcing its own policies.
* Interoperation between micro-blogs, blogs, photo collections, and all other types of social media.
* Timelines free of ads and spam.
* First class privacy.
* First class blocking and filtering. You see only what you want to.
* Users pay for service rather than being monetised.

Fingerprint Software reshared this. is a free open source platform for reviewing anything, using data from libre sources such as wikidata. You can follow at:

➡️ @lib_reviews

The site is at

# # # # # #

Unknown parent

David 🍷 🍹 🍺 🍸
They're not actually the author's favourites. The author's SEO editor wanted some value-added.

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

LVL004: Friendica - A Review

This is my review of the Friendica social network, and a follow-up to a previous video I did about the Fediverse. Friendica is my new favourite way to interact with social media, and in this video, I explain why.

As always, my current social media contacts are always on my web site.

For more information about Friendica, see their website.

For more information on the Fediverse in general, this site gives a nice overview.

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Hey Jonathan, thanks for the video about Friendica 😃 Glad to hear, that you experience it as light-weight running it from you home-server former notebook.

I have some additional piece of information about the video 😉

You mentioned the fact that one needs to add an abstract with BBCode to get a content warning. Which surely can be done differently in the UI, no question about that. The roots of the "abstract" lies in the projects history. Friendica can be used as a Twitter client of some sorts. Among other things this makes it possible that your postings on Friendica may directly posted on Twitter as well. While Friendica has some restriction to the length of a posting, it is far above the 280 character limit used on Twitter. So Friendica does some semi-intelligent automatic shortening of postings that are too long and adds a link back to the original posting on Friendica. But not everybody is happy with the outcome of the shortening, so the "abstract" BBCode was added to the BBCode tags Friendica supports, allowing everybody to control the short snippet to advertise for their posting on Twitter. Later on Activity Pub got the "summary" field in the meta-information of a posting and as the abstract is kind of equivalent of a summary, Friendica puts the content of the abstract into this field of the meta-information. Which is used as "content warning" by other projects in the Fediverse.

You mentioned the problems with the image upload. True, sadly true. There is an addon called "js_uploader" which allows you to upload more then one image at a time. And, I think especially for the uploading images from an event situation, Friendicas API does support clients that are designed for e.g. Mastodon. So if you have one of these on your smartphone that you've taken to the event and did some photos, you can use that to add the photos to a posting about the event, straight from your phone.

As you don't use the "community stream" feature much yourself, just let me add, that there all the public postings will be shown from either your node (local) or from any other server connected to your Friendica node (global). It makes more sense to have the stream on a node with more then one user, otherwise it basically mirrors that persons network stream.

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

Introducing! 🎉

A few days ago, @kev asked the community for help maintaining his side-project, This got me thinking.

There are loads of maintainers out there feeling burnt out, but they can't abandon their project since people are depending on the project to be maintained.

In an effort to combat this, I built a website that lists projects looking for new maintainers. It's still quite empty and has some rough edges, so any feedback is very welcome.

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

Don't have room for a physical model train set? OpenTTD is an open source simulation game based upon the popular Microprose game 'Transport Tycoon Deluxe'

OpenTTD is modelled after the original Transport Tycoon game by Chris Sawyer and enhances the game experience dramatically. Many features were inspired by TTDPatch while others are original.

See Play with model trains in OpenTTD

#technology #gaming #trains #openttd #simulation


My father has always been fond of model trains, and I remember watching him building a track around the Christmas tree when I was young. When Lego train sets were released, he and I transitioned to them for their convenience and inherent extensibility. We built and operated Lego trains and monorail tracks over the course of many years. I've often imagined a possible future in which I have a garage or a basement dedicated to miniature landscapes and electric whistling trains.

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

If you don't have up-to-date and offline backups - make them now.
The world is at war and bombs fall also through software...
# # #

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

in reply to antahz

We recommend the 3-2-1 backup strategy: have your data in three different places, across at least two different types of media, with at least one off-site.

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

⚠️ Information for Prosody operators: There has been an OpenSSL security advisory published, which likely affects Prosody and other services you may run - allowing an attacker to trigger an infinite loop in OpenSSL (and any application using it, such as Prosody), causing it to stop responding and use a lot of CPU.

Keep an eye open for OpenSSL updates from your OS distribution. There is no Prosody upgrade needed.

Original advisory here:

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

BookWyrm is a Fediverse alternative to Amazon's GoodReads, letting you review books, share reading lists, discover new books and interact with other readers. You can follow at:

➡️ @bookwyrm

The website is at

There are lists of instances to join at and

You can follow BookWyrm accounts from Mastodon etc, for example @mouse

# # # # # # # # #
Unknown parent

FediFollows has moved!
@bookwyrm @mouse

No no, it doesn't work with Google or Twitter, it is its own thing. The idea is to provide an alternative to all those "big tech" sites!

To use a BookWyrm site, you sign up on that site and log in.

But because BookWyrm is part of the Fediverse, millions of users on Mastodon etc can interact with your BookWyrm account.

For example, you can interact with the BookWyrm account @mouse from the Mastodon account you're posting from right now.

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

Aaaaaand.... # 0.12.0 is released!

This is an exciting major release which contains loads of new features, fixes and enhancements to improve your experience as an # admin.

Read about the highlights of the new release on our blog:

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

in reply to Prosody IM

I self-host # for just a few weeks and I have been really excited for this release! Thank you so much! 😋 🎉

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

VidCommons Animation posts creative commons and public domain animations to the Fediverse. You can follow at:

➡️ @animation

If the videos aren't visible from your instance yet, you can see them all at

# # # # # # # # # # #

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

The mobile network does not encrypt calls or text messages end-to-end, nor does it conceal your location. If you can, use apps that secure your communications.

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

I think this is worth repeating:

> The mobile network does not encrypt calls or text messages end-to-end, nor does it conceal your location.

It *could* do these things. We have technologies that can do these things. But mobile networks just don't do it.

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

In dark times, people need to be able to reach the light, reassure their loved ones, inform themselves and others, and escape the walls of propaganda and censorship. The internet is a crucial tool for all of that – don’t mess with it.

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

# that default # # of storage media may actually be quite memory-consuming, to the point that lower-end devices will be unable to decrypt them simply because there's not enough memory to process the cipher:

Most modern hardware should not notice this issue, but folks running under sub-Gigabyte RAM beware.

I learned this the hard way when trying to set up an encrypted storage drive for my # NAS...

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

<message><body>Hello Fediverse!</body></message>

Your favourite # server now has an official Fediverse account! (operated by developers @mattj and @zash).

Followers can expect news, release announcements and other interesting stuff relating to Prosody and XMPP.
in reply to Prosody IM

Oh hey! It's those people who have enabled like 80% of my social interaction for the last pandemic! They rock!

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

Clearview AI (facial recognition tech) is after some popular companies (@Airbnb, @lyft, & more) as commercial business partners & @privacyint is calling on them to pledge to "never work w/Clearview, or use their dodgy database."

Original tweet :

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

We asked some streamers why they choose to self-host their streams and be truly independent. It's great hearing about what they're doing and what they like about #.

Fingerprint Software reshared this.

Unknown parent

Beep Boop Maker
to the project maintainers, to include in this video
in reply to Owncast

how do you get more people to watch your stream?.

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